Hello everyone!
So for a class I am taking I am to create a blog and use it. Well I struggled on finding a topic for my blog, I couldn't just settle on one thing! So I came to the conclusion I will just blog about learning new things. So for my blog I will be picking something new to learn about or learn to do and do it then I will let you all know how it goes! :) kinda fun and I hope you all become inspired to do the same! I got the idea from an old movie I watched recently called "You Can't Take It With You" (great movie) but the principle is to just do what makes you happy in life and the rest will work itself out so that is my plan just going to do the things that I have always wanted to do!
Hope you enjoy this as much as I am going to!

Monday, November 30, 2009


This week I pretty much learned how to prepare a turkey for thanksgiving dinner. It was pretty gross. I have decided I am not the kind of person who likes to touch raw meat. I don't think I will ever attempt at pulling out the insides of a turkey again in my life. The neck just did it for me I think it was the single most gross thing I have ever touched. Over all the turkey turned out nicely I made it with my dad. (he is the expert on meat in my family) We basted it then seasoned it, put a dry rub on it and then started to bake it. The coolest part I think is was the baking part, my family has this really cool oven that has a setting called speed bake it is tri-vection, and it finished baking our turkey in 1 hour and 30 minutes. It was amazing. Everyone enjoyed a delicious turkey and a happy thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Projects!

Here are some pictures of the stuff I am learning: just providing a visual aid for those out there who like the pictures. Hope ya'll like em

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well i have been a slacker this week and I didn't get anything learned or started to learn something new! I will work on it this week and have something awesome to post next week! For now keep reading!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


well since it is halloween I thought I would be creative and make my own halloween costume. This has proven to be a lot harder than I anticipated. I chose to be Miley Cyrus in her Fly on the Wall outfit from her tour (here is a pic: http://dresslikemiley.net/gallery/displayimage.php?album=7&pos=14) Well I went out shopping found the tank top, easy check it off. Then I was in search of the footwear. I went to 3 or 4 places and then I found the socks, not a knock off but pretty much IDENTICAL to the ones she wore! so cool. check it off. Next was the boots she wears combat boots that have white stripes on them... a little harder to do so I went to the army navy store bought some boots for 25$ and I am duct taping white stripes on with white duct tape, pretty creative I thought. Now for the shorts I am still in serious pursuit of these worst comes to worst I will have to wear just black or white spandex shorts hopefully though I will be able to find the patterned ones she wears, it would be amazing if the same thing that happened to the socks happened with the shorts, oh I am keeping my fingers crossed (if you have any leads help a sista out). Now for the skirt, this is where the sewing part comes in, I have had a hay day figuring out how to make this. First I was going to buy a nasty white prom or wedding dress from DI and cut it up, then I decided eh why not just buy a white skirt and attach a bunch of fabric to it? Well this is exactly what I decided to do the dress isn't finished but so far it seems pretty simple, I can't wait to show it off this halloween weekend!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Poker Night.

Well while I am attempting at the guitar I thought I would take time to learn something fun along with it. So this week I went over to a friend of a friends house and attempted my hand at the game of Poker. I will tell you this much I didn't win any money ha ha but I didn't loose it either. Mostly I just played alongside my friend Corey, he tried to teach me a few things and I am still a complete novice but I at least tried, Corey insisted that night that we play again so that I can actually have fun doing it. Don't get me wrong I completely enjoyed the night but left only knowing a few things. I am still getting a hang of what hands to play and what ones to fold but I am sure with time and experience I will get better. At least that is what we are hoping for.
As far as the Guitar is coming I was having trouble finding someone to learn from so I have decided to go the self teaching route and do what any do-it-your-selfer does: YouTube it. Details forthcoming.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ok so the guitar learning didn't go so well this week. I wasn't able to get my guitar fixed so it didn't get started I am now on the mission of looking for a place to repair my guitar. (any suggestions would be helpful) So, since that plan fell through for this week we will give it ago this week. Hopefully it all works out oh boy life gets busy sometimes! I will keep you all posted!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Well this week has been a really busy week I wasn't able to get a start on anything I did however choose something to start on its going to take a while but its something I have always wanted to do, and that is play the guitar. So I got a guitar and just need to get a string fixed and we are on our way I will keep you all posted!